It was a cold and wintery day with just enough of a wind to bring the temperature down to a balmy 20 degrees. And that was a good day! That pretty much sums up every day now at Camp Wa Wa Segowea. And through all that, the work continues on the Camp's Property Director house, otherwise known as Norm & Dianne's home. The pictures below tell more than I can write in regards to the progress, but I did want to add a quick congratulations to Norm for being chosen as the "Capital District YMCA Employee of the Month" for October 2010 (and there's over 1500 employees in the Y!). Congrats to Norm!
Here's a few pictures taken over a couple of weeks on the progress-
Liz and Jeff up on the roof.

Norm finding an easier way to get the "walls" up to the 2nd floor...
...and it works!

Dianne documenting the progress too!
Lauren lending a hand as well.
Getting the back rafters up.
Seeing the progress from the road in.

Jeff holding up Norm, literally!
It's really windy up there.
Taking a look at the full front.
And a look at the back.

Almost all sealed in.
And it's already snowed!
Norm nailing down the roof.
Making sure it's lined up correctly...
...and I was there too!
Getting a couple minutes of warmth by the heater.
And the lake is already frozen!