What is your child doing this summer? Spending a session or two at Wa Wa Segowea is the ideal opportunity for a child to do so many things. It's a unique community where kids participate in activities. They are accepted for who they are, and they gain self-confidence as well as a sense of pride and accomplishment through completing tasks and challenges. At camp, kids learn by doing, living and experiencing things for themselves. While practicing both these new and old skills, it's natural that there will be improvement, which then builds self-esteem.
Registration for camp is happening right now and kids are signing up faster this year then the last two! That first day and first session begins June 24th and here's the whole summer rundown-
June 24th- Starts Session 1 Register online at www.segowea.org
July 1st- Session 2
July 8th- Session 3
July 15th- Session 4
July 22nd- Session 5
July 29th- Session 6
August 5th- Session 7
August 12th- Session 8
August 19th- Session 9
Many campers from last year and before, are returning, carrying on a tradition here where kids recognize that there is no place quite like Segowea. Whether it's playing kickball, in swim class, or just sitting and talking to friends at many locations around camp, the magic happens. It happens before you know it, and pretty soon, these campers are telling their friends back home, YOU HAVE TO COME TO THIS CAMP!
Where else can you-
Eat lunch on a canoe?
Learn to- whatever is being done here?
See a camp director fly!
See a cousin of Wally?
Get really tied up in what you're doing!
See an actual hand written letter to home!
Be part of a large group hug!

Be a member of the Tare-Bears!

Or just become who you want to be.
There's a couple ways to register and before you know it, your child will enjoy the best camp experience! (It's also the best value in the Northeast!) Register online at Segowea.org or you can call 518-656-9462. Do it today!