The days are quickly going by as we're a month into spring already, and better than that, there's only 67 days till the first day of camp! That means one thousand, six hundred and eight hours or 96,480 minutes! Start counting down now! We have more and more campers signing up every day and registering for their weeks worth of fun, having great times, making new friends and enjoying the magic of Segowea. Just this past weekend, we were meeting new campers and their parents at the KidsFunPlaza Camp Fair held at Colonie Center. Camp Director Kat Fitzpatrick and a few volunteers talked about Camp to any and all people that visited the booth. Thanks to Liz, Lauren, Nancy, Chris, Lisha, Norm and Pat for spending some time and getting their hands literally dirty! There were a few other tables/camps/schools there, but we were told by more than a couple people we had the most "creative" and fun booth! Kids and parents alike came up to the table, attracted not only by the great display, but actual grass growing! We had a couple of bowls of dirt and some wildflower seeds for planting as well as some containers (and covers). The kids each scooped their own dirt and planted the seeds in the little ramekins, watered them and then put a cover on it to take it home to watch it grow. Many piles of dirt were given away that day! Thanks also to the folks at KidsFunPlaza for making sure we were all set throughout the day. It was definitely a success! (See pictures below)
Coming up next weekend, (April 30th-May 1), it's the weekend of firsts. Our first work weekend of 2011 will be on Saturday and Sunday. Norm will be keeping us busy with general cleanup and assisting on the Property Director's house. If you can volunteer some time, please consider joining us! Give Norm a call or email- 413-229-9110 or On Sunday as well, it's our first Open House! If you haven't see the camp and would like to, please RSVP to Kat Fitzpatrick at 518-656-9462 or
Coming in May on the 14th & 15th (That's just 24 days or 576 hours or 34,560 minutes!) it's the Wa Wa Wally Waddle and Pasta Dinner! Saturday night is the Pasta Dinner, to be held at Christ Episcopal Church on Carroll Street in Poughkeepsie, NY from 5:30-8:00 pm. Then the Wa Wa Wally Waddle will take place on Sunday the 15th at Vassar Farms in a newly improved course layout. Registration is between 7:30-9:30 am and the 5K race/walk kicks off at 10 am. There's also kids events beginning at 9:30 am. For more info, visit the site- Hope to see you there!
Pictures from the KidsFunPlaza Camp Fair
Liz and Lauren getting ready for the kids.

A future camper!

Taking time to pose.

Nancy & Chris helping out.

Carefully placing the seeds!

Kat was not asleep- Trust me!

Mike, Lisha and Kat posing for a picture.

Parents & Kids alike got into the dirt!
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