Just about every resident camp have them (and day camps too!). Counselors do them. Other staff members chip in, and of course campers do them. But what are they and why do we do them?
Here at YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea, they've been done for years and years. Back in the 1930's and 40's, it It was more than just keeping your bunk space in your cabin clean. It was chores, usually begun after breakfast for a short period of time, sometimes taking less than 15 minutes or so. In the 50's and 60's, all the way up to today, it's the same- clean, organize or otherwise correct, the different places in camp.

Kids today, take part in Campers Kapers sometimes reluctantly, as you may expect. It's a daily clean-up of camp when campers begin their duties just after breakfast. The chores change every day in a rotation and they consist of duties all around camp. What types of chores are we talking about? It's more than cleaning Mt. Beacon (the bathrooms) although that's everyone's favorite! It's gathering firewood for the evening campfires. It's pushing a broom on the front and side porch of the lodge. It's organizing the inside of the lodge to make it usable for the day. It's sweeping off the docks on the waterfront and emptying the water from rowboats after a rainfall. It's taking a shovel and a metal rake and maintaining the different trails around camp. It's picking up small pieces of litter on cabin row or around the parade field. Or it could be a special project for the week where each cabin gets to participate in. This coming summer, Camp Director Kat Fitzpatrick is busy planning such a project. It will consist of an "Extended Kapers" on Thursdays of the sessions. During this time campers will have extra time provided for a more in-depth community-service type kaper such as gardening, camp beautification, trail maintenance and other projects.
Although some try to sleep through Campers Kapers!
So we know what they are. Why do we do them?
The main objectives are keeping the camp clean, seeing teamwork in action and building that sense of community. In the words of a camp alum, Kapers are for everyone. Everyone has to do the same thing. It ultimately levels the playing field for everybody.
Helping to maintain the camp gives a camper a sense of ownership in camp, a place where kids aren't judged, but rather respected for who they are. By contributing to Campers Kapers, kids are given a real responsibility over their experience. They become an active member of a larger community and often take on similar responsibilities after the summer has ended.
On more than one occasion, parents have remarked that their child is less likely to complain of being assigned similar tasks after returning from camp. Also, many parents have enjoyed seeing pictures of their child with a broom or rake in their hands.
Campers Kapers are just one of many things your child will participate and accomplish in their time spent at YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea. For a fun and safe camp experience for your child, consider YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea and register today! www.segowea.org
There's a few happenings coming up later this month of April and into May for you to participate in that will benefit camp.
First off, the first Work Weekend is happening in less than 2 weeks- on April 28th and 29th. Projects are being planned and all levels of skill are needed to help. If you're wondering what a work weekend is, I would recommend you attend one and then you'll know! I will also refer you to a blog post from last year- http://segowea.blogspot.com/2011/04/just-what-is-work-weekend-at-camp-wa-wa.html. But it's better to attend one!
2nd, Open Houses are beginning quickly! Beginning on May 6th at 1 pm (three weeks away), come and see the camp for yourself. It's the first Open House of the season, so bring your child, your friends, your child's friends, the more the merrier! See the camp and ask all the questions you can think of. We do ask that you RSVP, so we can plan accordingly. Contact Camp Director Kat Fitzpatrick at 518-656-9462 Ext 6632 and let her know you want to come.
We look forward to seeing everyone at these Camp events!
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