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Friday, November 6, 2009

Segowea Archives from the 50's-70's

Can anyone out there tell us some stories about any of these photos? What year they are probably from? Who any of the alumni pictured are? If so, please give camp director Toby Hettler a call or email at 518 656-9462 ext 6632 and Thanks!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Segowea Archives

Here are some photos from the archives. (Thank you to Mike Bruns for scanning them at camp over past work weekends.) See anyone you know?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Segowea October 10th Weekend Extravaganza

What a great way to wrap up our fall season at Segowea!
First we kicked it off with a board meeting in the morning, then a Smith Park annual meeting in the afternoon, before our Volunteer Thank You Dinner in the evening. Plus a scattering of work projects inbetween. Besides cooking and setting up for the thank you meal, volunteers also pulled in a few boats back to the lodge, got all the windows of the lodge and dining hall put back in, and even found time to stake out a few potential cabin locations in the new village area. Thank you volunteers!

"Move left Lisha, now back up, okay Liz, over, over, more to the right... "

Darlene Ward sharing Smith Park updates at the annual meeting.

Tom Harvey directing the largest "Cat's Cradle" camp has seen in years, while John Fisher is ready for any early season Vampires with his collection of wooden stakes.

Cooks extraordinaire! Thank you Richard for being our grilling specialist and to Sarah, Mike and Amy for setting up and cooking. And a big thank you to Lily (not in the photo) for buying and bringing the yummy food.

George sharing the current plans with alumni. For any not at the summer reunion, a model of the new dining hall and welcome center is centered in the photo.

Speaking of the new dining hall, we expect to begin pouring concrete for the basement foundation later this month and will send out invitations to everyone to come join us and lend a hand if interested. We hope to see you again soon.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brother/Sister Camp lends a hand to Segowea

YMCA Camp Chingachgook (new sister camp to Wa Wa Segowea) Property Manager Chris Thompson and Assistant Property Manager Dan Izyk take a couple days from their busy work to help Norm level and square cabin Ticon at Segowea. Thank you Chris and Dan!

Question, how many jacks does it take to lift one Segowea cabin?

Norm posing for the camera or pondering what to do next?

George Painter inspecting the clearing progress for the new village.

Chris, Norm, and Dan lining up by height and amount of exposed skin for mosquitoes.

Sept 19-20th Work Weekend

Thank you to all who came out for our special activity on Saturday evening. Below are a few photos of work done by folks who stuck around on Sunday as well. (once the camera came out).

Over the course of the weekend we did some ceiling nail cutting, touch up painting inside the cabins in cabin row, and painting of the new cabin doors, plus a bit of painting and siding work on Keller cabin.

We were treated to a wonderful dinner by Lily Mercogliano and Friends of Segowea and as usual a great breakfast by Mike Bruns.

Amy and Minna painting Keller bathroom.

Interior facelift in Keller Cabin.

Mike and Norm laying out the new/used or slightly damaged -thus cost efficient cabinets.

It's coming, right around the corner...

Sure Toby, we'll pose for one more group picture.
We only have 2 scheduled work weekends left in 2009, October 3-4th and October 10-11th so please make plans to join us one last time if you can. Call or email Toby to rsvp, 518 656-9462 ext 6632 or

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wa Wa Segowea Archives

Here are a few photos from camp's early days. Please contact us if you can identify any of the campers or staff in these pictures and enjoy peering back into the past!

Campers and staff 1925, when Segowea was still in New York before moving to Massachusetts in 1928.

Cook and campers in the mess hall.

The great fireplace and lodge. Can't you just see the chairs filled with campers and hear them singing along with the piano?

Canoe races on Harmon Pond.

Water slide, high dive, medium dive and docks on Harmon Pond.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2009 Segowea Labor Day Work Weekend

Thank you volunteers for spending part of your holiday weekend working with us! What wonderful weather and what a nice and relaxing way to spend some time together.

Collectively we painted interiors of cabins, finished most of the siding at Keller cabin, moved picnic tables, cleaned up in Hart Lodge and porch, pulled out items at the dump for recycling, and completed more trail work around the lake.

Saturday dinner on Hart Lodge Porch. Minna, Liz, John Witter, Norm, Diane and Bridget Crane and family. This was Bridget's first time back since the 70's!

Minna giving two thumbs up. (Photo courtesy of future camp Evan Crane.)

Is Bridget dancing or painting?? (Photo courtesy of Evan.)

How high can you stretch? Lining up and leveling siding before getting nailed.

Norm's recent trip back home to get more tools (trailer and tractor) is already making work easier. Here picnic tables are about to be moved back up to Hart Lodge.

Okay, break over! Less talk, more work... Norm teases as he passes by John and Liz.

Liz and Toby sharing a ladder.

Keller looks like a totally new building with the new siding!
Hope to see you all at one of the remaining three work weekends, Sept 19-20, October 3-4 or October 10-11th. To rsvp, call Toby at 518 656-9462 ext 6632.