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Friday, December 31, 2010
Taking Foley Hill Road down to Camp Wa Wa Segowea.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy Holidays from Camp Wa Wa Segowea!

Looking up at the front of the house.

Looking at the inside of the right side.

The left side of the house.

It's a whole new look!

The left side.

Friday, December 10, 2010
The off season and cold weather work continues at Camp Wa Wa Segowea!
It was a cold and wintery day with just enough of a wind to bring the temperature down to a balmy 20 degrees. And that was a good day! That pretty much sums up every day now at Camp Wa Wa Segowea. And through all that, the work continues on the Camp's Property Director house, otherwise known as Norm & Dianne's home. The pictures below tell more than I can write in regards to the progress, but I did want to add a quick congratulations to Norm for being chosen as the "Capital District YMCA Employee of the Month" for October 2010 (and there's over 1500 employees in the Y!). Congrats to Norm!
Here's a few pictures taken over a couple of weeks on the progress-
Liz and Jeff up on the roof.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Camp Wa Wa Segowea Holiday Help!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving from Camp Wa Wa Segowea!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Camp Wa Wa Segowea Leadership Rally takes place!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Camp Wa Wa Segowea Raising the Roof, Rally and Skip - What does it all mean?
It's three posts for the price of one! The first part of this post is Part Two of the conversation with Skip Falk and it's ready to view, this time on YouTube. In this edition, Skip talks about the hurricane that hit Segowea in 1976, resident camping for kids and reflects on another Camp director, Beth Koloski Hodos (now on the Smith Park Board). It's about 12 minutes in length and takes a little time to download, so please be patient! The link for that is:
The second part of this post is it's just a couple days before the Wa Wa Leadership Rally coming up on Saturday! It will take place in Albany at the YMCA Administrative Office on New Karner Road starting at noontime. Hope you can make it! For further details, please see the previous post in the blog.
And the final part is to report on the progress that has been taking place in the reconstruction of the Property Director's House. Norm and Dianne have been really busy! This past weekend, we were able to gradually lower the roof to actually become the second floor and hope to begin shortly on building the new roof. It's taking quite a bit of time and effort and will be well worth it when complete! Here's just a few pictures to see the progress.
Norm & Dianne stopping for a pose.