As this time of year reminds us, we have quite a lot to be thankful for here at Camp Wa Wa Segowea. We are thankful for the mountain laurel that blooms at the beginning of every summer. We are thankful for the abundant wildlife that call Segowea home (even the beavers!). We are thankful for the change of seasons, so we see the buds in spring after a long winter, the crisp colors of fall on our trees and shrubs, the freshly fallen new snow in winter and the whole season of summertime when the place just comes alive. We are thankful for the caretakers of our land who are concerned with our every day issues and see to it they are taken care of. We are thankful for our visitors who come to observe and partake in the most beautiful place on the planet. And of course, we're thankful for the children, both present and past, that attended our wonderful camp and carried on the wonderful traditions that have taken place here. Thank you!
It is the holiday season and we have a few ways to assist you in your holiday shopping and gift wrapping!
The 2011 Camp Wa Wa Segowea calendars are in and ready to be shipped to you! It's an inexpensive way to see Camp all year round and money raised will go towards the benefit of Camp. (Just $10!) Go to the Friends of Segowea website and get yours today.
Books are always a popular item for gift ideas, and once again, Camp Alum, Kristen has organized a fundraiser for camp in the place where she works, Barnes & Noble, at 2518 South Road in Poughkeepsie, NY. In previous years, this same camp fundraiser was done on one day, but this year we're excited to have two whole days to raise money for camp! Saturday, December 3rd and Saturday, December 10th, from 9 am to 11 pm, the gift wrapping table will be ready for you. Simply purchase your books and have them gift wrapped right there too! All donations for gift wrapping will go directly to the benefit of camp. Also, if you are able to help wrap, either day and for any amount of time that works for you, please contact Kristen at Hope to see you there!
As we mentioned in the previous post, we have another fundraiser for camp that you don't have to go anywhere to do. It's "Sell Your Stuff for Segowea" where you pledge to sell one item that is cluttering up your home and donate the money to Camp Wa Wa Segowea.
Once you've decided what you'd like to sell, simply follow the schedule-
1) By December 1st, e-mail Camp Alum Sarah Mercogliano ( your plan to participate. (I plan to sell _________ for Segowea.)
2) By January 15th, complete your sale and e-mail Sarah to let her know how much you raised.
3) Mail your check (made out to YMCA Camp Segowea) to YMCA Camp Segowea; 1872 Pilot Knob Rd.; Kattskill Bay, NY 12844.
What you get out of it is a few things, 1- that item is no longer taking up space in your home, 2- that nice warm feeling when you help out a place you care for, and 3- a nice tax write off!