We start with March Madness! For 6 years now, the Segowea 65 NCAA Bracket Craziness challenge has occurred and has grown every year. Organizers and Camp Alum's Josh and Lisa Perks expect this year to be the biggest yet! What is it? It's a way for you to be involved in camp, have a little fun and raise some money to go towards scholarships for kids to go to camp this summer. It based around the college basketball tournament happening beginning Thursday the 20th of March at Noon time. You pick the teams that you think will go forward in the tournament, all the way to the end. You pick the winners by any way you choose (Top contenders? Best mascots? Great team colors?)
What do you win?
What do you win?
1st place- 15% of the pot
2nd place- 8% of the pot
3rd place- 5% of the pot
70% of the pot goes directly to Camp Wa Wa Segowea camper scholarships. (2% will go toward paypal processing) Everything is done online with Paypal and the CBS Sports brackets. You can find more info and the link to begin HERE
It's a lot of fun!
Coming in April, the Northwest CT YMCA is presenting the first WA WA Bait and Fish Family Fishing Derby! It's taking place at camp in Harmon Pond on April 26th Rain or Shine from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. There'll be games and activities, a penny auction, door raffle prizes, a free BBQ lunch and of course, fishing! There's "Catch a Chance at $10,000" too! Visit baitandfish.org or click HERE for more info. For those that pre-register by April 16th, you'll get a free T-Shirt. According to Jason Cohen, the camp’s Executive Director, the event is an effort to promote and support camp. “We wanted to find a fun way for families to come out and experience our beautiful facility. With 500 acres of forest and a private 30-acre lake, it’s an amazing place to reconnect with nature.” We couldn't agree more!
Coming in May is a Camp Open House and Family Fun Day! It's taking place on Sunday May 4th from 12 PM to 3 PM. You can come out to camp, meet the camp leadership, tour the camp and take part in some fun!
Next up in May is the 5th Annual Wa Wa Wally Waddle! It's happening once again on Mother's Day, May 11th and will be taking place at Vassar Farm and Ecological Preserve in Poughkeepsie, NY. The one mile kids race will take place first at 9:30 AM and awards for the kids 1 mile race will be given out to the top 3 boy and girl finishers in 2 age groups, 9 and younger and 10-13. The main event is the 5K Run/Walk and instead of traditional medals or trophies, we give fresh baked pies to our overall male/female and age group winners in the 5k. In celebration of Mother's Day, we've added a new awards category and that is Mother’s Day Family Teams. That means Mother’s Day Family team awards will be given to the Mother/Daughter and Mother/Son teams with the fastest combined finishing time in the 5k. The winning teams will receive a bouquet of flowers and gift certificate for brunch at an area eatery. For the full list of prizes, click HERE According to Examiner.com, the Waddle is one of the 5 best races to treat your mom to on Mother's Day! It's always a great day and you can register online by visiting the Mid-Hudson Runners club website by clicking HERE.
And lastly, some camp news- Due to the generous amount of snow we received this winter and thus children enjoying Snow Days, the school year is being extended into the summer. As a result, the first one week session, June 22nd to June 28th has been cancelled as schools will likely still be in session! The camp summer season will officially begin June 29th.
Camp Director Josh Scott is busy putting together the summer plans and he's heard from some staff members who will be returning to Wa Wa this summer! He is also currently looking for a couple more staff positions, so please visit the website and check out which positions are available. http://www.nwcty.org/wawa/wawa.htm#staff
Camp registration is open and the full schedule for the summer is on the website. Click HERE to register.
Here's the brief rundown:
March 20th- Segowea 65 NCAA Bracket Craziness
April 26th- WA WA Bait and Fish Family Fishing Derby
May 4th- Camp Open House and Family Fun Day
May 11th- 5th Annual Wa Wa Wally Waddle
June 29th- First Day of Camp
In case you were wondering, yes, there still is snow at camp! Here's a few recent pictures taken to prove it.
See you at camp!