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Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 20-21st Work Weekend Completed!

5th 2009 Volunteer Weekend a Success.

Thank you volunteers! Altogether we had 24 alumni and friends attend. Collectively we accomplished quite a lot including: trimming most of the brush between the parade field and cabin row, bleaching and power washing the cabins, caulking cabins, leveling cabins, staining bunk beds, cutting off roofing nails sticking into the cabin ceilings, raking under, behind and around the cabins and relocating tarp loads of leaves into the woods, bringing scrap wood up to fill holes, and moving debris from around Norm’s new residence.

Please join us for our next one on July 18-19th.

Left to right: Toby Hettler, Chris Mercogliano, Sarah Mercogliano, David B. Easton, Lily Mercogliano, Sarah Perks, Lisha Mittleman.

Saturday post dinner activities on the porch, featuring David's double bunny ears addition.

Opening up the view between cabin row and the lodge.

Brush clearing in progress, taming the wild Berkshire jungle.

Almost done.

David and Liz in the thick of it.

Some of the before picture.

Goodbye tickmetropolis and land of lost soccer balls.

Biggest ball of wet leaves in New Marlborough town.

Leaf dragging crew on the 4th seven person load! Feel the burn!! -but they're still smiling.

Professionals debating the finer points of step-ladder placement within a cabin.

BBQ chicken dinner -thanks David, Lily and Chris!

Can't tell if Kristen is country line dancing or staining... maybe Lisha knows.

Look at that concentration, cutting nails with a zen-like focus.

Bundling up branches with Norm's patented ATV hook and drag techinque.

Cabin repair 101 with Norm and David, undergrad intro survey.

Cabin repair 601 with David, graduate level credit.

Lisa showing off her caulking skills, showing the rest of us how to do it.

Segowea friends Adam and Andrew shoveling up leaves.

Sarah showing off the tricky inverted caulking from below angle manuever.

Otavio under the watchful eye of aunt Lisa.

Sarah and Lily testing their caulking skills on Julia.

Cabin repair 901, PhD thesis level with Rich and Norm.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 13-14 Work Weekend

4th 2009 Segowea Work Weekend was a Blast
With 27 folks in attendance from Friday afternoon through Sunday we accomplished a lot including: Bleaching and power washing cabins, raking around and under them, and cutting off unsafe roof nails sticking through the ceilings. We also mopped the dining room floor, made 2 new picnic tables, cleared trails, loosened the beaver dam, removed old mattress covers, swept the lodge floor, dug a protective ditch along the dining hall, sorted program supplies, and tested the Box Ball Court.

From left to right: Shannon Eidel, Damien Buono, Toby Hettler, Mike Bruns, Chris Larson, Norm Button, Charlie Ingraham, Rich Snyder, Katie Hussey, Minna Prisco, Amy McPheeters, Kristen Hendrickson, Mike Sherwood.

Folks enjoying some lunch on Saturday on Hart Lodge porch. Tables newly built on a previous work weekend.

Newly remodeled Hart Lodge dining room.

Trail clearing crew before they set off with ATV's and chain saws to open up trails around the lake.

You sure these directions are right?!

Minna Prisco enjoying taking turns power washing cabins with Kristen Hendrickson.

Ditch digging crew. We can contract them out by the hour for your home projects.

Norm sharing a laugh and showing his favorite mode of transport across camp.

Mike Bruns served up eggs and bacon Sunday morning.

"If we moved this bed here, and this one here..., yeah, I think we could fit a regulation size box ball court in this cabin..."

Rich showing off new found treasure (or a ladybug umbrella depending how you look at it) while cleaning the lodge.

Toby Hettler pulls up all kinds of camp memorabilia from under the floor of the lodge.

Louis and Mike hard at work mopping the dining hall.

Katie showing off recently discovered pictures of past campers while cleaning the lodge.

Boo captivating other alumni with how big the mosquitoes were in his camp days.
Lodge view from the steps looking up.

Sharing camp stories on a break.

Hearty crew still working into Sunday afternoon.

Amy proudly diplaying her new found bling.

A perfect spot to enjoy the scenery.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 30th Reunion and Rally Was A Hit

Over 50 Alumni, Staff, Family and Friends came out and joined us on Saturday at the JCC in Poughkeepsie. Attendees ranged from 10 months to over 80 years young. Folks shared their favorite camp stories, saw old friends and connected with new ones. Former and current Camp Directors Beth Hodos and Toby Hettler gave brief comments before Executive Director George Painter shared camp's plans for reopening. The program was ended with Smith Park Board Member Mike Bruns' excellent video history of camp. (Thank you again to alumnus Wyeth Drummond and the JCC for hosting our event.) Immediately afterwards, most in attendance took advantage of the beautiful day and stayed for the Friends of Segowea alumni council meeting held outside. FoS is led by President Lily Mercogliano and its four main goals for 2009 are to support the capital campagin to reopen camp, support the work weekends, help find other alumni, and organize the summer reunions. Please contact Lily at if you'd like to get involved and support our efforts to save camp.

Mike Bruns and Tori Larson reminisce about their camp days.

Campaign banner decorating the reunion.

Mike Sherwood enjoying the placement of Jon Hodos' name tag.

George enjoying Beth's comments.

George sharing camp's plan for renovating, building new and reopening.

Young alumni enjoying a lighter moment during the Friends of Segowea meeting.

Lily and others enjoy a laugh at Boo's expense.
Beth welcoming and addressing the gathered masses.

Lisha looking attentive as Sarah shares her thoughts on stashing cash away each week for to give to camp's capital campaign.