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Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 20-21st Work Weekend Completed!

5th 2009 Volunteer Weekend a Success.

Thank you volunteers! Altogether we had 24 alumni and friends attend. Collectively we accomplished quite a lot including: trimming most of the brush between the parade field and cabin row, bleaching and power washing the cabins, caulking cabins, leveling cabins, staining bunk beds, cutting off roofing nails sticking into the cabin ceilings, raking under, behind and around the cabins and relocating tarp loads of leaves into the woods, bringing scrap wood up to fill holes, and moving debris from around Norm’s new residence.

Please join us for our next one on July 18-19th.

Left to right: Toby Hettler, Chris Mercogliano, Sarah Mercogliano, David B. Easton, Lily Mercogliano, Sarah Perks, Lisha Mittleman.

Saturday post dinner activities on the porch, featuring David's double bunny ears addition.

Opening up the view between cabin row and the lodge.

Brush clearing in progress, taming the wild Berkshire jungle.

Almost done.

David and Liz in the thick of it.

Some of the before picture.

Goodbye tickmetropolis and land of lost soccer balls.

Biggest ball of wet leaves in New Marlborough town.

Leaf dragging crew on the 4th seven person load! Feel the burn!! -but they're still smiling.

Professionals debating the finer points of step-ladder placement within a cabin.

BBQ chicken dinner -thanks David, Lily and Chris!

Can't tell if Kristen is country line dancing or staining... maybe Lisha knows.

Look at that concentration, cutting nails with a zen-like focus.

Bundling up branches with Norm's patented ATV hook and drag techinque.

Cabin repair 101 with Norm and David, undergrad intro survey.

Cabin repair 601 with David, graduate level credit.

Lisa showing off her caulking skills, showing the rest of us how to do it.

Segowea friends Adam and Andrew shoveling up leaves.

Sarah showing off the tricky inverted caulking from below angle manuever.

Otavio under the watchful eye of aunt Lisa.

Sarah and Lily testing their caulking skills on Julia.

Cabin repair 901, PhD thesis level with Rich and Norm.

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