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Monday, April 19, 2010

2010 Volunteer Work Weekends Underway

Thank you volunteers who came out and joined us April 17-18th and 24-25th, our first two volunteer Work Weekends of 2010!
Together we built and began installing shutter braces for the cabins, cleaned out the old office in the lodge, unburied and collected insulation from the foundation work at the new dining hall site, moved, organized, and inventoried kitchen supplies, sanded bunk bed frames, picked up around the waterfront, dug out a ditch draining to the lake, moved boats, and cut foam mattresses to fit new mattress covers.

We have plenty of work left to do prior to opening this summer, please come out and give us a hand. Upcoming Work Weekends include: May 1-2, May 15-16, May 29-30, June 5-6, and June 19-20. To RSVP, contact Toby Hettler at or 518 656-9462 ext 6632.

Enjoy the below photos showing some of our progress during the weekends and building improvements that Norm has completed with contractors and volunteers this Spring.

Board members Mike and Tom showing their shoveling skills.

Lynn and Norm sanding a bunk bed frame.
Does anyone recognize this building? Pictures below will be good hints.

Sanding in the main lodge.

New siding and deck on the Beacon.

New stairs on the cabins.

New deck and seating outside the Beacon.

Cabin row's new look, new stairs in progress.

Moving boats on the parade field.

Sweeping up in front of the main fireplace.

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