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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Camp Wa Wa Segowea 2011 Summer season is underway!

Children are enjoying Camp Wa Wa Segowea once again as the summer season has begun!

The Summer Program staff underwent serious training for the week prior, with many hours spent on First Aid, CPR, Life Guarding and program training. It was a cold, rainy week as well, so the camp fireplaces were being used quite a bit! The staff and some volunteers all were pitching in and working together all week long, right up to the last minute, making sure the camp was ready for the kids arrival. And sure enough, the weather eased up from the rain and welcomed the kids arrival with a beautiful sun shiny day!

The kids did arrive and with the sound of the footlockers hitting the cabin floors to the first basketball bouncing in the lodge, Camp had begun! The new staff, that had closely bonded during the staff week, were really excited to see the first kids arrive and show them around camp. Campers chose the skill classes they were interested in and all their medical forms were handed in to Camp Director Kat. Some kids even picked up a new water bottle or camp sweat shirt at the Camp Wa Wa Store. After the parents left and the tours were completed, it was time for the swim tests for all campers and then a bit of free time! Some ping pong matches were underway and some basketball drills were being executed. The frisbees also made their way out of the box and were getting thrown around.
Camp was officially open!

For more 2011 Summer Camp pictures, be sure to look at the Facebook Page and Friend us while you're there! But in the meantime, here's some pictures from Staff Week and the first days of camp. Thanks to Ed, Annie and Kat for the pictures too!

Lifeguard training.

Team building at its best!

Playing the "Ha-Ha" game.

Kids arrive!

Smitty showing the principles of Ping Pong.

The games and reading area of the lodge.

Card playing on the side porch.

Camp Director Kat collecting all the forms.

Playing an introduction game.

Another greeting game!

It's Open Boating!

A beautiful day for a sail.

Row boats, canoes and kayaks too!

In the Arts & Crafts area.

The fishing expedition has begun!

A little afternoon soccer...

Swimming in the C-Dock

Program Director Frank writing the welcome sign.

and Lauren enhancing it!

Thanks to all for assisting in getting camp underway for the Summer season of 2011!

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