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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Springtime is busy at Camp Wa Wa Segowea!

The countdown to opening camp for the summer of 2012 continues!    It's been a years worth of preparing, planning and a whole lot of work, all to make sure those three months of June, July and August are truly the best experience for a child.  There is a lot at stake making sure the time spent at camp is fun.  But there's also safety, guidance, being supportive, having a quality program, healthy food, as well as a team of individuals devoted to children, all reasons to make sure kids have the chance to develop (according to the American Camping Association) independence and interdependence.   Even more,  kids have the opportunity to discover things about themselves on a daily basis which helps them in their lives at camp and through the school year.

So we are always busy!  Camp Director Kat Fitzpatrick is busy with a lot of things.  Between looking for and hiring just the right staff, visiting and participating in the different camp conferences and camp fairs, talking to parents, and past and future campers, and discussing the many aspects of camp with the different volunteer groups that support camp, the days go by very quickly for Kat!  She's very much looking forward to getting out to Camp and start the summer!

Also keeping Kat busy is of course, registering kids for camp!  Session # 1 begins in late June and the season ends in late August with Session # 9. Register now for your first choice!   Did you know it's the best value of any overnight camp in the Northeast?  Tell your neighbors. Share with your friends. Let everyone know about Camp Wa Wa Segowea!   Register online at or download the registration form and fax or mail it in.

Property Director Norm Button is also busy.  (Although it's hard to believe when Norm isn't busy!) The work continues on the beautiful land, keeping it a safe, family oriented environment.  A priority list of what needs working on before the summer begins is set, and thanks to the nice weather this late Winter/Early Spring, even the swim docks are being put in early!  

Smith Park of New York is also busy, as the recently moved Annual Meeting is happening this Saturday!  There's been a good amount of thought and planning on how to really generate more interest in seeing the camp continue to thrive for generations to come and we'll be sharing that on Saturday, March 24th at the East Greenbush YMCA from 2 pm - 4 pm.   We're holding it at that location so attendees can also make use of the YMCA for the whole day at NO COST!   Past and current Smith Park members, Past and current Camp parents, Past and current campers (see a trend here?) are all invited and encouraged to attend.  The purpose of the Annual Meeting/Get Together is see the whole picture of where we've been, where we are today and where we're headed.  We'll get the financial picture, a facilities report and you'll have an occasion to participate.   All this and raffle items and refreshments too!     We hope you can join us.

Smith Park of New York (SPONY) is the non-profit Advisory Branch Board for Camp Wa Wa Segowea and works alongside the Capital District YMCA in making sure Camp Wa Wa Segowea prospers and remains an opportunity for children to enjoy a pristine natural environment.  The founders of Smith Park,  William W, Smith, Arthur G. Smith and William W. Smith the 2nd are of course known for the Smith Brothers Cough Drops Company.  The company located in Poughkeepsie, NY has had a long tradition, just like Camp Wa Wa Segowea.  I just recently found an audio "history" of the Smith Brothers and how they came to be and thought it was fun to share.  It's from a program called "Talking History", based at the University at Albany, State University of New York and worth a listen.  

Finally, Some pictures of various past, present and future members of Smith Park of NY.  If you'd like to become a member and have a say in what happens with Camp, please contact us! 

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