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Friday, August 9, 2013

We celebrated A Century of Community at YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea!

They came from near and far, all to catch a little of that Segowea magic. They came, they visited, they laughed, they cried, they ate s'mores and they talked camp!  

About 125 camp alumni participated in the 100th Anniversary of Camp Wa Wa Segowea which took place on August 3rd and 4th, 2013.  There were alumni from as far as Texas, New Mexico and Florida as well as both eastern and western New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut.  The ages ranged from a couple of months old to 86 years young and are all connected to Camp in some form or fashion.   So many memories were discussed, with the general feeling of "It's great to be back, It feels the same".  

Everyone visited with their fellow alumni, went for a boat ride and/or a swim.    Some even took part in the newest addition to the camp season, the water trampoline! They bid on silent auction items, bought one of a kind Century of Community T-Shirts and bought raffle tickets.  There was a "Generations Panel" that took place in the afternoon where alumni from the 40's to 2013, shared their stories, answered a few questions and had a good time.  It was filmed for future use, so look for footage here in the future!  

There was a silent auction during the day as well, with all items being donated by alumni, including several handmade quilts, a refurbished camp style window pane made specifically for the event, and a couple of excursions for skiers and deep sea fishing lovers!  There was also a handmade knife and a "camp" version of the Monopoly Board Game.

We were also treated to an impromptu juggling performance by Camp Alum Neal Rosen, who taught juggling at camp back in his day in the 1980's.    

We had a great Barbecue dinner, along with an Anniversary Cake and Italian Ice!  I'm speaking for everyone there when I say it was indeed a great memorable day!

We had a nice article on camp in the Poughkeepsie Journal prior to the event and The Register Citizen the day of the event.  (Links to the articles are below)  A very special thanks to Friends of Segowea for putting the event together!  

Here's some pictures of the event!  If you have pictures of the event or of camp in general, and would like to share, please let me know!  We also have a small amount of commemorative T-Shirts for sale.  Send an email if you're interested. 


  1. Hey mike! I was wondering if you could put the video on youtube,what im trying to watch the video on wont let me,and i bet others are having the same problem as well. YAY WAWA SEGOWEA! MAY YOU LIVE ANOTHER 100 YEARS!!!!

  2. Hello Anonymous! Thanks for the suggestion! It is on Youtube- here-
